Affordable Deed plotting software. Plot tracts, parcels, metes and bounds descriptions, legal descriptions, and other plats and surveys. Deed-Chek is the easiest deed plotting software available and is the best solution for real estate attorneys, title companies, appraisers, assessors and ancestry research.
- Easy deed entry, easy deed plotting..
- Automatic deed reader can plot deeds and metes and bounds descriptions from a text file!
- Draw the deed, then check area and closure.
- Plot multiple lots in the same drawing.
- Plot deed maps to scale.
- Combine separate drawings into one.
- Find gaps, overlaps and net area..
- Automatically plot sectional breakdown (aliquot parts).
- Draw text along a curve.
- Draw paragraphs of text.
- Bearings, distances, and curve tables.
- Draw arrowheads and leader lines.
- Fast zoom and pan with the mouse wheel.
- Up to 256 nameable layers.
- Group/ungroup objects.
- Move, Copy, Rotate, Scale, Nudge commands.
- Precision snaps (midpoint, endpoint etc.)
- Print Preview before plotting.
- Rotate deed drawing at any angle for printing.
- Easy to learn. Includes over 5 hours of training videos.
- Network versions available including support for Citrix, VMware, and other virtualized environments.

Subdivision layout and design software for land developers, builders, surveyors and land owners. Our Subdivide software includes all of the features of Deed-Chek plus powerful subdivision layout and design routines. Ideal for both residential and commercial land development.
- Use the Site Calculator to calculate how many lots will fit on a parcel.
- Automatically subdivide a parcel into 2 or more equal parts.
- Automatically subdivide a parcel into smaller lots of a specific area.
- Quickly divide up a parcel using the mouse.
- Force a lot to a specific area using sliding side, swinging side, and radial side methods.
- Easily draw setbacks and easements.
- Easily create roads, sidewalks, and right-of-ways from a centerline.
- Mirror a lot or building footprint.
- Export lots and lines to Google Earth.
- Export finished drawing to DXF to send to other engineers or surveyors.
- Find a location in Google Maps.
- Enter latitude/longitude locations.
- Includes over 40 symbols. You can modify them if needed, or even create your own.
- Insert images such as aerials or scanned TOPO maps.
- Automatically create cul-de-sacs.
- Automatically create parking stalls.
- Create legal descriptions for your lots with the included "Deed-Writer", which is based on our popular Legal-Aid legal description writer for surveyors.